Wednesday, 29 October 2014

More Head Shots For A Bit of Fun...


Today I was board so I grabbed my little camera and took a few pictures of my doll just to post on here. These are not the best pictures as I took them a Kodak digital camera that really is more for snap shots for the web. However, once I figure out how to use my new professional camera I will be posting new pictures with substance. Right now, I'm just sharing my doll with the world.

One thing I have noticed about this doll compared to my last one is that this one has such a presence that I never expected. I don't know if it's the fact that I ordered him differently than the one before or that I really like this one much better. In either event, I am quite happy with him but i still need to figure out a name. I hope one comes soon as he would be really nice for him to have a name...

Okay, Enjoy the new pictures. Again, I know they are not the best but I like you folks to see him and the amazing detail that was done. I truly believe that the Male Realdoll surpasses others out there no matter how much they try and say that they have 'cornered the male doll market'. Realdoll has them beat by miles and miles.

Okay, I'm off and thanks for stopping by!!!!



Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Sharing Some Thoughts & Such...


As some of you know this is my second Male Realdoll 2. I sold my first one in 2012 due to the weight issue. These guys are not light but I reckon in time this issue is going to be a thing of the past. I have a lot of faith in Realdoll and their innovation. I would not be surprised if Matt McMullen, the creator of Realdoll, has not already come up with some ideas that he is working on that will be a great benefit to clients that need and want the weight reduction. He has done it with the Realdoll 2 female dolls so I think it’s only a matter of time that this will follow with the male dolls also.

You know, I am a fan of the “BOY TOY” dolls too. I really like the new body 3 and the celestial series. The first pictures of “Sky” blew me away and I will own one someday. Again, Matt McMullen pushes the bar even higher to make a superior product. 
BOY TOY DOLL "SKY" configuration 1 (Photo By Matt McMullen)
My hope is that he will use the technology he has developed to create a male “BOY TOY” doll in the form of a younger twink sort of doll. This would also be ideal for the shorter male that wants a shorter and much lighter male doll. This is just an opinion and a hope. I know I would be the first in line for a male ‘BOY TOY’ doll. I am keeping my fingers crossed that this thought will become a reality one day. Okay, let me go back to where I was going with this subject before I got carried away.

After I sold my doll, I was terribly lonely for it. I didn't realise the impact that my Male Realdoll had on me and my life. I knew I couldn’t handle the weight having a bad back and all. However, I never really thought of ways to deal with the issues and keep my doll. So, since 2012 I have come up with different ideas that have pretty much solved the problem of moving him around and most recently I have worked up a pulley system on paper that will work that is simple and easy to maintain. I still need to do a prototype and then we’ll see how it works. I recently found out that I will need such a system after a situation arose that needed such a device. So, keep checking back and I will share this information with you once I develop the actual prototype.

Now, my new Male Realdoll 2 is amazing. I can’t help but stare at him from time to time and I’m dumbfounded by how real he looks and moves. I don’t remember the range of motion being as realistic with my last doll as with this one but it’s very realistic. I love it!!! Anyway, I still have not had time to do anything with him such as posing and etc. It will be a few weeks before I can do that. Still, I have had time to consider different concepts to photograph him in. As I said in the header of this blog, “This is not a Porn Site’ and I am true to my word. I think these dolls can be suited for many different things as a model. I want to give that a go and see where it leads. What do you think of that?

I have no desire to post anything on any adult doll site. I had done that a few years ago only to find it ugly and abusive. Also, I get a lot more hits on this blog than I ever did on that site. People visit this blog from all over the world and seem more open to asking questions or commenting without having to become a member and forced to follow some insane rules to appease the owners of these sites and subject themselves to their abuses. So, this is a safe place to talk about the Male Realdoll 2 and comment or ask questions as much as you like. It’s always good to have a safe place to go and feel good. Wouldn’t you agree?

Okay, that is about it for now. I’m sure your board from reading all of this but this is a post that I wanted to make. I will be posting more pictures from time to time. If you have any queries or would like to see something, please let me know. Again, this is not a porn site but I'm willing to post respectable pictures in a more artful way rather than those of or in sexual situations or of my doll’s bits and bobs for sexual gratification. There is way too much of that and these dolls are far more than a sex toy…this is the area I wish to explore.

Thanks for taking the time to read this and for following my blog. I hope you have enjoyed the pictures so far and there are many more to come. Again, if you have questions or comments, please feel free to do so. I like hearing what you have to say and I will answer those that have a ligament queries or comments.

Bye for now…


Saturday, 11 October 2014

Head Shots: Pondering


Well, my doll has been uncreated so I thought I would post a few head shots so you can see what he looks like without his hair...

Thanks for stopping by. I will be posting more pictures here and there as I have time and maybe even do a cool photo shoot once I get an idea that I would like to present.

See ya!

Wednesday, 8 October 2014

A Few Production Pictures Prior to Delviery


I know I haven't posted any new pictures of my new male Realdoll 2 yet, but I really haven't had the time and he is still in his, I thought I would go ahead and share some of his production pictures with you until I'm able to get some recent ones done and to show you how amazing the finished doll really is. I have to say that pictures do not do this doll justice. He is so real looking that it is almost frightening. Those that have seem him in person have stepped back and gasped at how human and alive he looks. Once again, I have to thank the folks at Realdoll for that because they surpass any other doll manufacturer in realism and quality. Some may boast about this and that and their detailing, but it is not even close to what Realdoll does. They are the greatest!!!

So, please enjoy these production pictures that were sent to me by Annette from Abyss Creations/Realdoll as he was being prepared for me.

The handsome bloke in the picture is Robin who works for Abyss and is a great guy!!! I love his beard!!!

Okay, that is about it for now...thanks for stopping by and please check back again soon for recent updates and pictures...oh yeah, I still haven't come up with a name for him yet...if you got any ideas or want to look at names I had thought about in previous posts, let me now what you think.

Take care.
